WLA features construction progress on Springdale Green's Boardwalk

Springdale Green, a 30-acre brownfield and former petrochemical tank farm in East Austin, is currently being reclaimed and transformed into a sustainable office campus. With much of the site located within the floodplain of an urban creek, the campus’ architecture is concentrated in one corner, allowing a large portion of the landscape to be dedicated to environmental rehabilitation. One of the central landscape elements through this space is the boardwalk, a universally accessible 1km loop that links the campus core to the landscape beyond. The boardwalk weaves through restored meadow, woodland, and riparian habitats, and allows the floodplain—often seen as a hazard or burden to developments—to become a celebrated amenity.
Now nearing completion, the design team looks back on the development of this element from concept to detailing to construction. Read the full article on World Landscape Architecture.